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Your Views

November 3, 2015


With Remembrance Day approaching, we asked teachers via Facebook about the importance of the event and how they make it relevant for students today.

Cherra-Lynne Olthof

We study the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in my classroom (Grade 6). I propose a world in which none of these existed and we talk about what that would look like and why someone would choose to stand up for those freedoms by going to war. It’s a sombre conversation but meaningful.

Merry Dechamplain

If we don’t learn from the past we are doomed to repeat it. I can’t believe this is even questioned.


Fine Arts Council Conference #FACCanmore.

#CranstonYYCCBE @CranstonCBE: I’ve met some amasing @FineArtsATA teachers from all over AB today. Calgary, Edmonton, Lethbridge, High River, Jasper, Banff.

Joan Jeffery @JefferyJoan: Relax-doodling in the hotel lobby after today’s sessions. #relaxing #canmore

Fine Arts Council @FineArtsATA: Are you a left handed ukelele player? Do left handed players have an advantage on right handed ukeleles?

Vampirella @LianneSJones: Current status: learning a #Bollywood dance
@FineArtsATA. Can you teach an old dog new tricks? I think not!

Conference for Council for Inclusive Education, #atasped

Dana Ariss  @DanaAriss: The biggest increase we have seen in Canada affecting kids is anxiety! - @StuartShanker.

Mathematics Council and Science Council joint conference, #ATAGeeksUnite

Danika Richard  @HeyScienceLady: Thank you @Cmdr_Hadfield for taking the time to meet every individual who came to conference.

Lindsey Bingley  @lbingley: In math, adults will always fall back on what they understand/are most familiar with...this does not always jive with school.

Second Languages and Intercultural Council Conference, #SLIC2015

Terence K  @greent28: Spending Saturday night playing around Googleapps/addons/extentions after being inspired from the #SLIC2015 conference today!

Jen Fran  @RunnerJen73: Today was an amazing day at #slic2015, huge thanks for sharing your passion and knowledge @MadameJackson @nsieweke! #Merci!

Madame Jackson  @MadameJackson: #SLIC15 Executive! Thanks for an awesome day. Second Language Intercultural Council for the ATA.

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